Picking a Reader in Sedona?

Picking a Reader in Sedona?

Find out what you need to know before committing. While you’re in Sedona, a spiritual mecca, you might want to experience some of the conscious magic Sedona has to offer.

Literally, you want to have your Colors Read, experience a Full Moon Drum Circle, attend a Yoga Retreat, Clear and Balance your Chakras, or Fuel the Spark within you that’s caught the “Spiritual-Itch”. Before you jump into any Powers that Be, it’s important to know what you’re walking into. Being in Sacred Space and Alignment, the Energetics, Life Impact, and Personal Experience are essential key points to contemplate as you choose a Psychic, Reader, or any other Healing Intuitive to assist you on your journey.

Energetics of a Conscious Experience:

As you open your mind and Spirit to connect to a conscious world, there’s energy that could impact you deeply. It’s important to understand the nuances of energy work so you can protect yourself and those you care about.

Have you ever hugged someone and felt worse after? Do you ever feel like you have a heavy blanket or film weighing you down? Ever feel like someone ripped out your heart and soul? (Me too Dude, Me too). These are a few examples of poor energy exchange after interacting with someone or something that’s not aligned with Your Highest Good, leaving a dense energy in your energetic being.

Have you ever experienced an unexpected friend who left you feeling full of Sunshine and Warmth? Hugged a great friend and left feeling Loved? Have you gone hiking and felt Mother Gaia energize your being? These are examples of positive energy exchanges adding a Light-ness to your energetic existence. 

Respect your time and money.

Consider your Energy-being.

In order to mitigate energetic shade, it’s important to stay in the Sacred Space of Divine Light. Ensure that your Psychic, Reader, or Intuitive is aligned with The Highest Good. If they are not aligned with The Highest Power (One-ness, All-ness, Creator/Creation), you are allowing lower vibrations into your field - lowering your vibes. Choosing an Intuitive to tune into your energy being - past, present, and future - is a Privilege and an Honor. Your Intuitive must be in Alignment with You and Your Highest Good to ensure You receive the Respect and Guidance You deserve. When opening yourself to receive Divine Guidance on Career, Fulfillment, Romance, Family etc. it’s important to think through the kind of space you want to be held in.

Do you want to feel Safe, Secure and held in Sacred Space? Do you want to feel Peace and Bliss after your experience?

Well, How do I Know Who is in My Highest Good?

In order to Know who is in Alignment with you, take a moment to tune into your Energetic Flow.  Breathe in a few Conscious breaths and invite in a bit of wonder at the realization that You Exist. Allow this Life Breath to Lighten You from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Once filled with conscious breath, ask that inner space, “How do I Feel when I read their bio, see their photo, and feel their energy?” (Yes/No).

Having an affirmative energetic response is essential for selecting your Reader. Ensure that their description, image, and mission is in alignment with you energetically. This might feel like a slight “yes” or pull response or a slight “no” or tension response. Try to sit with this decision for a moment to ensure you are energetically aligned. You always have the option to be direct, give them a call or send them a text and ask if they work with The Creator.

Try the Angel Experience:

With a reading experience from Angels with Jane, arrive assured that your goals will be met and held in Safe Space. Learn, explore, and discover what kinds of messages and guidance the Angels have to all of your questions and concerns, hopes and dreams, growth and intuition. As the energy flows and you flow with it, flowing in a stream aligned with you is much easier than swimming upstream. Find the Angel Flow for You and welcome in a path of Love, Peace, Fulfillment and Balance. Identifying the Kind of Experience you want to have when pursuing guidance from your Reader/Psychic is important. What are your goals?

As you pick the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that is Psychic/Spiritual Abilities, you will find Romance, Future, Career and Fulfillment paths through Angel Readings, Chakra Readings, Color Readings, Couple Readings, Psychic Readings, Inner Journeying,  Past Life Readings and more - there’s a variety of options that could align with the kind of experience you might want. Spiritual Exploration is also available for facilitation for those who want to learn discernment.

Spend a few moments imagining the Space you want to Be in as you open to intuitive possibilities in Sedona, and then, set the intention to receive that Space.

Open yourself to the manifested expression of the Powers that Be, Peace and Love, with the Angels of Sedona.


Much Love,                                                     

Jane Elizabeth

& Kassidy Ann


